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Te-am vazut... te-am flash-uit
mesaj Jun 23 2009, 01:56 AM
Trimis la #41


Grup: Administrator
Postari: 3,711
Inregistrat pe: 25-February 09
Din: Bucuresti/Titan
Membrul Nr.: 3
Masina Personala:RENAULT Megane RS

CITAT(ssst @ Jun 22 2009, 03:55 AM) *
vazut o gramada de masini de pe forum,duminica pe la 20:30 in piata constitutiei (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ) si mie mi s-a parut

Viata e greu, lumea e hotu!
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 23 2009, 03:07 AM
Trimis la #42

Stage 3

Grup: Member
Postari: 157
Inregistrat pe: 12-June 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 99
Masina Personala:focus st

Vazut,flashuit,salutat pe Sabin cu al lui RS,luni noaptea pe Bdul.Unirii. Dar nu spun cu cine era in masina (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

By Superchips stage1,eibach pro kit ,eibach pro spacer kit,K&N filter...2xx hp,4xxNm
ST engine's sound-that's my "in car entertainment"
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 23 2009, 11:48 PM
Trimis la #43

Stage 4

Grup: Member
Postari: 253
Inregistrat pe: 5-June 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 74
Masina Personala:Focus ST

vazut iar pe Zap....dar de data asta la Universitate (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Ford Focus ST mk2 facelift
May The BooST Be With You
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 24 2009, 02:32 PM
Trimis la #44


Grup: Member
Postari: 1,871
Inregistrat pe: 14-February 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 1
Masina Personala:Megane RS CUP

Vazut ssst , Ford Focus ST frumos . Aseara si Luni seara. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Administrator HOTHATCHES.RO
Plaisir du conduite extreme

Custom Stage 2 Remap * ITG intake * FORGE Hoses * FORGE Intercooler* Custom 70 mm Straight Pipe Exhaust * Decat 70 mm * NGK Laser Platinum Spark Plugs * Ported Intake / Engine 4 mm * OMP bucket seats

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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 24 2009, 08:15 PM
Trimis la #45


Grup: Administrator
Postari: 3,711
Inregistrat pe: 25-February 09
Din: Bucuresti/Titan
Membrul Nr.: 3
Masina Personala:RENAULT Megane RS

Cred ca am vazut-o pe dafy pe mosilor, daca masina e neagra. Avea numarul ceva de genul B..dfy si m-am gandit ca o fi ea.

Viata e greu, lumea e hotu!
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 25 2009, 01:06 AM
Trimis la #46

Stage 4

Grup: Senior Member
Postari: 382
Inregistrat pe: 21-May 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 56
Masina Personala:Honda Civic Type-R

sabin la semafor in piata victoriei pe la 00.00
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 25 2009, 01:37 AM
Trimis la #47


Grup: Member
Postari: 1,871
Inregistrat pe: 14-February 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 1
Masina Personala:Megane RS CUP

Prietene tu erai (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) .

Administrator HOTHATCHES.RO
Plaisir du conduite extreme

Custom Stage 2 Remap * ITG intake * FORGE Hoses * FORGE Intercooler* Custom 70 mm Straight Pipe Exhaust * Decat 70 mm * NGK Laser Platinum Spark Plugs * Ported Intake / Engine 4 mm * OMP bucket seats

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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 25 2009, 03:33 AM
Trimis la #48

Stage 3

Grup: Prieten HH
Postari: 107
Inregistrat pe: 14-June 09
Membrul Nr.: 103
Masina Personala:Mercedes C200 Kompressor

Sabin pe magheru (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 25 2009, 03:41 AM
Trimis la #49


Grup: Member
Postari: 1,871
Inregistrat pe: 14-February 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 1
Masina Personala:Megane RS CUP

Maxy pe Magheru (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) hai noroc (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Administrator HOTHATCHES.RO
Plaisir du conduite extreme

Custom Stage 2 Remap * ITG intake * FORGE Hoses * FORGE Intercooler* Custom 70 mm Straight Pipe Exhaust * Decat 70 mm * NGK Laser Platinum Spark Plugs * Ported Intake / Engine 4 mm * OMP bucket seats

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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 25 2009, 08:50 PM
Trimis la #50

Stage 3

Grup: Member
Postari: 219
Inregistrat pe: 25-June 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 136
Masina Personala:VW Mk5 GTI

Grecu @ Wizards (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 25 2009, 10:02 PM
Trimis la #51

Stage 3

Grup: Member
Postari: 157
Inregistrat pe: 12-June 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 99
Masina Personala:focus st

Pe mine m-a vazut Chuckie in oglinda retrovizoare, pe cand faceam o devansare (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Acest mesaj a fost editat de ronnie: Jun 25 2009, 10:06 PM
Motivul editarii: pentru mesaje personale, exista Privat Membrii Hothatches.ro

By Superchips stage1,eibach pro kit ,eibach pro spacer kit,K&N filter...2xx hp,4xxNm
ST engine's sound-that's my "in car entertainment"
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 26 2009, 03:43 PM
Trimis la #52

Stage 5

Grup: Senior Member
Postari: 1,249
Inregistrat pe: 5-June 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 76
Masina Personala:Audi A3 2.0T

Vazut azi in fata blocului pe mirciulik86 cu al lui Type-R (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 30 2009, 05:13 AM
Trimis la #53


Grup: Member
Postari: 1,871
Inregistrat pe: 14-February 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 1
Masina Personala:Megane RS CUP

Vazut Antonio74 Fiesta ST , ora 21:30 Casa Poporului. Sa traiesti !

Administrator HOTHATCHES.RO
Plaisir du conduite extreme

Custom Stage 2 Remap * ITG intake * FORGE Hoses * FORGE Intercooler* Custom 70 mm Straight Pipe Exhaust * Decat 70 mm * NGK Laser Platinum Spark Plugs * Ported Intake / Engine 4 mm * OMP bucket seats

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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 30 2009, 11:20 AM
Trimis la #54

Stage 3

Grup: Member
Postari: 180
Inregistrat pe: 18-May 09
Membrul Nr.: 46
Masina Personala:FORD FIESTA ST

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) si tu ! eu nu te-am vazut (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

Fii optimist! Daca viata iti ofera lamai, cere si Martini:)))))
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 30 2009, 06:36 PM
Trimis la #55


Grup: Administrator
Postari: 3,711
Inregistrat pe: 25-February 09
Din: Bucuresti/Titan
Membrul Nr.: 3
Masina Personala:RENAULT Megane RS

Am vazut una din FieSTele noastre alba pe Bld Unirii pe la 15:30, nu specific personajul il las pe el sa se divulge, poate trebuia sa fie in alta parte la ora aia (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

Viata e greu, lumea e hotu!
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 30 2009, 07:16 PM
Trimis la #56

Stage 5

Grup: Senior Member
Postari: 509
Inregistrat pe: 15-May 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 23
Masina Personala:Honda Civic Type R

Vazut astazi pe Daniel cu al sau ST portocaliu si parasolar (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Rated R for non-stop crude and sexual humour, pervasive strong language and drug content.
Type R `07 + mods
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 30 2009, 07:27 PM
Trimis la #57

Stage 3

Grup: Member
Postari: 157
Inregistrat pe: 12-June 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 99
Masina Personala:focus st

Poti sa spui si pe unde,ca nu ma controleaza nimeni (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

By Superchips stage1,eibach pro kit ,eibach pro spacer kit,K&N filter...2xx hp,4xxNm
ST engine's sound-that's my "in car entertainment"
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 30 2009, 08:47 PM
Trimis la #58

Stage 5

Grup: Senior Member
Postari: 509
Inregistrat pe: 15-May 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 23
Masina Personala:Honda Civic Type R

Prin Lahovari,stii tu unde (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) . Te vad destul de des pe acolo oricum,pentru ca pe acolo merg spre casa

Rated R for non-stop crude and sexual humour, pervasive strong language and drug content.
Type R `07 + mods
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 30 2009, 08:51 PM
Trimis la #59

Stage 3

Grup: Member
Postari: 157
Inregistrat pe: 12-June 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 99
Masina Personala:focus st

Aaa,da...este un casino p-acolo (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

By Superchips stage1,eibach pro kit ,eibach pro spacer kit,K&N filter...2xx hp,4xxNm
ST engine's sound-that's my "in car entertainment"
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+Quote Post
mesaj Jun 30 2009, 11:17 PM
Trimis la #60

Stage 1

Grup: Junior Member
Postari: 17
Inregistrat pe: 29-June 09
Din: Bucuresti
Membrul Nr.: 147
Masina Personala:Ford Fiesta ST

CITAT(bambu @ Jun 30 2009, 06:36 PM) *
Am vazut una din FieSTele noastre alba pe Bld Unirii pe la 15:30, nu specific personajul il las pe el sa se divulge, poate trebuia sa fie in alta parte la ora aia (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

Oare eram eu??? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/Confused.gif)
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